I’m Alex, I am constantly striving to create excellent web sites and digital marketing strategies. Be it through UX, content strategy, design, html5, javascript, cms, php, frameworks….
My reflexions on ebooks here will give you a glimpse into my routine. Ebooks, and their authors, describe with detail and passion what I live every working day.
In August of 2022, I published here the Web Agency Aphorisms. This offers a glimpse into the 25 years of insight (through successful and failed experiences) that I have had as web agency entrepreneur.
I am also a self-published novelist. In 2018 A Girl Named Freedom was published. It’s an adventure and fantasy story about a ten-year-old girl who wants to achieve world peace. Let’s face it, it didn’t get great reviews, but I didn’t write it for the reviews. However, there’s hope that posthumously (not any time soon, right?) it will become revered as a book well ahead of its time. But I humbly recognize that I can (should/must) do better.
I regularly do content strategy workshops and writing. I am director of WS Interactive where I advise and consult our customers on content strategy, SEO, and best practices for digital. I am also currently developing the USA market for content strategy and performance marketing.
Lastly, shout out to Bogey 2 Birdie Golf Card Game for their entrepreneurial spirit in launching a new card game that’s all about golf!